Sessions focus on various topics, non-profit collaborations, networking, including self-esteem, self-awareness, motivation, self-value, problem-solving skills, communication skills, conflict-resolution skills, and leadership abilities. All educational programs, workshops, and retreats are free for all participants.
WHOW™ agrees with the words from author Dr. Kurt Senske of Christian Approach to Organizational Leadership[1] when he says that “people at all levels of an organization, from the boardroom to the individual… are searching to connect their faith and values to their professional lives in a way that brings both personal fulfillment and organizational success.” Dr. Senske knows that what is lacking, however, is a framework or blueprint that provides guidance for taking the “whole self” to work.
Dr. Senske continues: “Christians often lack the framework and language that helps them put their faith-based principles into practice at the workplace. Despite their good intentions, a myriad of workplace pressures and daily obstacles prevent them from achieving this goal.” The Organization’s program services provides a framework to help these individuals take their “whole selves to work” by providing opportunities for-profit and non-profit organizations to support and help their communities by participating in various task forces that are listed under each program.
The Facilitators and Task Force Members of WHOW™ are experienced professionals and paraprofessionals with the skills and competencies that enable them to help with program services and designs. Each Lead Facilitator or Task Force Member has personal experience with the subject matter they are involved with.
- WHOW™ Assistant Project and Training Director
- Spa Owners
- Nail Salons Technicians
- Personal Shoppers
- Massage Therapists
- Body Oil Specialist
- Candle Distributor
- Nutrition Specialist
- Physical Trainer
- Beauty Consultant
- Mental Health Technician/Aid
- Website Program Specialists
- WHOW™ Assistant Workshop and Training Director
- Facilitators/Trainers
- Event Planners
- Researcher on Cultures and Food
- Website Specialists
- WHOW™ Assistant Project and Training Director
- Mental Health Technician/Aid
- Time Management Facilitator
- Check Card Distributor
- Physicians
- Family Advocacy Representatives
- Family Services
- Home Health Volunteers
- Women Ministry Helpers
- Facilitators
- Trainers
- Website Modification Specialists
- WHOW™ Assistant Project and Training Director
- Mental Health Technician/Aid
- Family Services
- Facilitators/Trainers
- Home Organizing Expert
- Home Decorating Professional
- Women Ministry Helpers
- Budget Managers

WHOW™’s Fathers & Daughters Project is designed to help build a bond and create a relationship that will achieve the above objectives. The WHOW!™ volunteer task force for this project includes the following professionals:
- WHOW™ Assistant Project and Training Director
- Teachers
- Facilitators
- Trainers
- PTA Presidents
- Prison Ministry Representatives
- Prison Chaplin
- Prison Warden
- Former Father Inmates
- Child Therapist
- Mental Health Technician/Aid
- Children with Father Inmates
- State and City Officials
The Youth Future Entrepreneur Academy
This program is built on the belief that all human beings are born with a natural talent given to them by God. The program is design to identify those talents and then to teach the person how to use them for the good of humankind. Some teen dropouts do not discover their talent until they have been sent to prison. WHOW!™’s program serves as an intervention from the incarceration of teen dropouts. It promotes hopes, dreams, and a productive future, and helps them to become productive, responsible citizens.
The Youth Future Entrepreneur Academy focuses on the talent of artists. The Organization helps them figure out a strategy and a plan to use their art talent. The program teaches entrepreneurship and boosts academic performance by giving young people the tools and confidence they need to connect their talents to their entrepreneur goals. They learn that turning their talents into a business takes a lot of discipline, hard work, and education. Not only will young people learn about themselves, but also they will be given the opportunity to have a mentor who has an art talent. The task force of this project includes the following Professionals and Paraprofessionals Taskforce:
- WHOW™ Assistant Academy and Training Director
- Facilitators/Trainers
- Math Teachers
- Reading Teachers
- Writing Teachers
- Professional Artists (drawing, painting, and other artistic disciplines)
- Professional Photographers
- Marketing Specialist
- Police Officers
- Small Business Owner
- SBA Representative
- Church Leaders
- Website Modification Specialists
- Mental Health Technician/Aid
- Criminal Lawyer
- Museum Archivists
- School Drop-out Programs
- Former Inmates
- Probation Officers