Women Helping Other Women®’s Founder Marsha Bibb Goggans-Johnson has received many public awards and acknowledgments on behalf of the WHOW™ organization for its excellence in community involvement.
Ms. Johnson received a special presidential citation award from former U.S. President George H.W. Bush. She was granted a special meeting with the former First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Barbra Bush. November 23rd is declared Marsha Bibb Goggans-Johnson Day in the City of East Cleveland, Ohio.

Ms. Johnson was asked to fly to Disney World for a special interview conducted by Katie Couric. Notably, she has been interviewed by various Cleveland Ohio television stations and numerous newspapers. Awards, honors, achievements, and certificates include:
- Proclamation, City of East Cleveland Ohio,
- Resolution, Cuyahoga County Commissioners,
- Resolution, East Cleveland City School District Board of Education,
- Certificate of Recognition, Seal of the Attorney General of Ohio
- Proclamation, State of Ohio Governor George V. Voinovich
U.S. House of Representatives, Honorable Louis Stokes, 21st District, Ohio - General Assembly, State of Ohio, Ohio Senate
- Stanley J. Aronoff, President
- Cleveland Teachers Union,
- Self-Image Award, Positive Plus, Yvonne Pointer
- Ohio House of Representatives, House District, #14, C.J. Prentiss,
- Certificate of Appreciation, City of East Cleveland Municipal Court Tribute
- 43rd Point of Light Award, United States Former President George Bush
November 23, 1991, Marsha Bibb Goggans-Johnson Day, City of East Cleveland, - East Cleveland City Council, Resolution
- Cleveland Municipal Court Tribute