"I Believe the World is One Big Family,
and We Need to Help Each Other."
- Jet Li

Women and families represent the fastest-growing groups of the homeless population in the United States.
I am wondering if there’s a woman that you see on a regular basis that is homeless and if you could help her, how would you help her?
Women Caregivers
Many women work full-time, and they are also, the primary caregiver of older, sick, or disabled family members.
Many studies have looked at the role of women and family caregiving. Although not all have addressed gender issues and caregiving specifically, the results are still generalizable to women because they are the majority of informal care providers in this country. Consider:
- An estimated 66% of caregivers are female. [Updated February 2015]
- The average caregiver is a 49-year-old woman who works outside the home and provides 20 hours per week of unpaid care to her mother. [Updated 2015] https://www.caregiver.org/resource/women-and-caregiving-facts-and-figures/
If you knew a family caregiver in your community that needs help, what are some of the things that you would do to help them?

Children remain the poorest age group in America. Nearly 1 in 6 lived in poverty in 2018—nearly 11.9 million children (see Table 2). The child poverty rate (16 percent) is nearly one-and-a-half times higher than that for adults ages 18-64 (11 percent) and two times higher than that for adults 65 and older (10 percent).
At your local neighborhood Middle School there are several female students that are in-need of clothes, and toiletries.
If you could help them, what would do to help them?
Nursing Homes
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, more than 50 percent of nursing home residents have no close relatives, and 46 percent have no living children. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/index.htm
If there is a nursing home in your community and some of the people who live there never have visitors, how would you share your time with them?

Women Prisoners
There are 231,000 women locked up in the United States. While roughly 10 percent of the total incarcerated population, women still represent a larger portion of people in prisons and jails than in previous decades. Moreover, in many states, women's incarceration rates are continuing to grow faster than men.
Most people can’t even imagine spending years living with little or no contact with the outside world, but it is a reality that women prisoners across the United States face on a day to day basis.
It takes a very special person that writes or visit with people the rest of the world has forgotten about.
If you could help with the rehabilitation of a prisoner what would do?
The Mayo Clinic says that water is a principal component in the human body and is vitally necessary for seniors’ normal bodily functions. Giving drink to the thirsty can be in the form of making monetary or food donations to the local food bank, soup kitchen and other initiatives that bring food and drink to the poor.
If you knew a senior in your community, how would you make sure they had water?