Partnering with Women Helping Other Women®, Inc. WHOW™ and other existing grassroots organizations.
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Grassroots initiatives are community-based approaches created to address localized problems. Projects backed by local organizations can quickly gain momentum on the local level because they are generally enacted by local actors. Moreover, larger organizations could benefit from local grassroots initiatives that are directly connected to the issues and the people in need.
Grassroots groups understand the multifaceted contexts and issues that could deter progress or stall innovative solutions, while also creating a sense of trust in a community by authenticating the potential benefits of innovation, as well as identifying flaws, and iterations required.
There are two ways to enhance your grassroots organizing capacity. One strategy is to build your internal grassroots organizing capacity. The other strategy is to partner with an organization that specializes in grassroots organizing. Neither approach is superior to the other. Rather, both approaches have advantages and disadvantages, and you should pursue an approach that makes sense for your organization, the issue around which you’re organizing, and the existing capacity in your state or region.
Benefits of partnering with WHOW™ Women Helping Other Women®, Inc.
● Virtual Volunteer Collaboration,
● Shared Advertising,
● Shared Resources,
● Networking,
● Shared Partnership,
● Learn From Each Other,
● Problem Solving Becomes Easier,