We're looking for a few positive, upbeat, creative, and out-of-the-box thinking people,
to join our virtual dream team.
We need Virtual Volunteers for the following:
- Training Designers
- Lead Facilitators
- Meet & Greet Coordinators
- Train-the-Trainer Facilitators
- Workshop Coordinators
- Outreach Coordinators
Over the past few years, virtual video conferencing platforms have seen an explosive rise in popularity. Many people are interacting virtually from home.

The Women Helping Other Women® Inc. Virtual Dream Team consists of highly motivated volunteers, who participate together in making a difference by using the Zoom virtual platform, to make a virtual community difference for children, women, fathers, and families. The goal of the Virtual Dream Team is to provide highly interactive, facilitator-led training classes and workshops.
Why are virtual training and workshops important?
One major benefit of virtual training is that it can be more convenient for training leaders and participants. This is because they can easily complete the activity from the comfort of their homes.
What are the methods of the training and workshops?
Our facilitators show, explain, and teach certain skills that can help others
learn through:
● Case Studies.
● Coaching.
● eLearning.
● Instructor-Led Training.
● Interactive Training.
● Video-Based Training.
What equipment is needed for virtual training and workshops?

You'll need a teaching device such as a laptop or tablet, a strong internet connection, and a place free from noise.
What are some of the advantages of virtual volunteering?
● Convenient
● Flexible
● Bring volunteering right into your home
● Offer individual attention
We're looking for a few positive, upbeat, creative, and out-of-the-box thinking people, to join our virtual dream team.
We need Virtual Volunteers for the following:
- Training Designers
- Lead Facilitators
- Meet & Greet Coordinators
- Train-the-Trainer Facilitators
- Workshop Coordinators
- Outreach Coordinators

The WHOW™ Virtual Zoom "Dream Team" can help you:
● give back and pave the way for other women,
● make an impact and be part of something bigger than yourself,
● be part of a friendly team-oriented environment,
● interact with people from diverse backgrounds, which allows you to learn other perspectives,
● can help you feel connected to those you are helping in the community,
● meet people who have similar paths,